The Real Operation Aurora
Aurora Colorado is a city rich in diversity. Here we value and celebrate ALL our city’s inhabitants and stand united in the knowledge that our differences do not divide us but allow our communities to flourish with variety, beauty, and strength.
ALL inhabitants of Aurora are valued and vital to our economy and society. Human beings must be deemed, and dealt with as, criminals only when they have been convicted of crimes in a court of law. No human being can rightly be labeled as a criminal based on their country of origin nor the means by which they arrived in the United States.
Allegations regarding significant criminal activities by immigrants in Aurora Colorado have never been substantiated with evidence. These claims are misrepresentations fabricated for purely political initiatives. Aurora Colorado does not have an immigrant problem. We have a tapestry of cultures resplendent with ethnic variety that celebrates the traits that make us all unique. LGTBQ+, heterosexual, female, male, trans, or otherwise, born here, there, or anywhere, Aurora cherishes and aspires to protect its residents each and every one.
Aurora is Latin for dawn, it is the beginning of something new and glorious. An aurora is also a renewal of something eternal, dependable, and life giving. The Real Operation Aurora does not abide the unlawful or unjustified deportation of any human being. The Real Operation Aurora stands for a renewal of dignity and compassion among citizens of the United States. The Real Operation Aurora implores U.S. voters to understand that immigrants do not increase crime rates and that increased measures of deportation will undoubtedly be detrimental to the U.S. economy and to our communities. This proposed mass deportation initiative will also cause great suffering for adults and children alike.
The Real Operation Aurora seeks to collect and provide information and resources to help all inhabitants of the United States to keep their families together, to be safe, and to know this country has always been, and always will be, made great by immigrants who have journeyed here to build a better life for themselves and their families. The Real Operation Aurora honors the constitution of the United States and upholds the principle that no one, regardless of gender identity, sexual orientation, nation of origin, or religion is to be discriminated against.
The Real Operation Aurora stands for the principle that all inhabitants of the U.S. are entitled to respect, decency, and due process.
“Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
The Statue of Liberty-Ellis Island Foundation, Inc.